Again I'm left here
Standing holding an empty bag
Because your mind is so elusive to me
And your heart seems like an unattainable goal
Again I feel like all is lost
Because they've taken all I have and I have nothing left to give
I reach out for a hand but it fades away
Again all is pointless and fruitless to me without you
Because I've searched for so long, so blinded by love
Again I asked for an impossible impetuous thing
It's crazy and stupid and beautiful and suffocating
All at once if that can be so
I no longer function as a human being
Again, I am as a dead man
A limp shell of dry empty bones
My heart left the room when you did
Again I reached out for your hand but
you put it in your pocket for a sunny day
I cling so breathless to the cold steel bannister
You stand and lock my gaze, then turn from me
I represent all that you hate
Secrets told in confidence
Collide with the news of the day
Again I reach this time for broken blades of grass
You rise up
Say it's not enough
I wring my brittle hands desperate for a sign of approval...or love?
So sick
Pause wait a sign of life
emotion, feeling, run down marble slide glass staircase
Dancing alone
Seeing, breathing, seeing clearly
How the essence of all I've been denied
Is laid at my feet in clouded blocks of time
Again all I know is that my own love is my worst enemy.