erumpent blue throwing off my vision
he blew in my face
"the hero of a dime novel"
a petulant smirk
oh, you'd be so SURPRISED, you would.
why i hold that little tightrope
little tight throat
burying with fingers of fear
that snare me
so so so LOST in the bowels of dignity
they toast the sweet mistakes
engulfed in rippling epileptic smiles
pictures fading into rivulets of cheap ambrosia
SHOVED down already scarred throats
taken in by gorgeous winter.
i asked you that day,
can you know me?
can you REALLY, like this?
breathless, clinging, delirious,
ESSENCE wrapped in a frenzy of Orphic imbroglios
pirouetting lightly off your high horse
into the morbid glow of a saffron streetlight
stars slowly belching into our range of vision.
you said you could see them. All the constellations, in my eyes,
but the future's on the soft, torn flesh of my criminal hands.
can you see? can you see?
the lines of my love are appalling and pure - plasmic and plausible.
my darling, could you afford me space in your palace of desire?
catching brief snatches of heaven on my tongue
a glimpse through tear-stained fenestra
singing in metaphors
"i love you!" he laughs
i slowly die out
can you see?
can you see yet, my love?
-larock 03/23/90